There were only a few encounters in the demo, which took place in a sprawling cathedral and castle. I feel bad for the poor character designer. Someone else sitting in on the presentation offers up Breaking Bad's Bryan Cranston as another option. Gop explains that the design was an amalgam of hundreds of pictures, but despite that, someone always says that Harkyn looks like one actor or another. Lords of the Fallen's protagonist is Harkyn, a warrior out to destroy humanity's fallen god and his generals, the 'Lords of the Fallen' mentioned in the title. I can hear Jeff Bridges delivering that quote, even now.

"Is your hero supposed to look like Jeff Bridges?" I ask. Lords of the Fallen producer and former Witcher 2 producer Tomasz Gop leads the demo and before he can even begin talking about the game, I interrupt him with a question. Combat is more difficult and methodical, sure, but if I had to pick an analog, it'd be that title. In fact, the game reminds me less of Dark Souls, and more of another "Lords of" title: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. So, color me surprised when I came out of this hands-off demo intrigued by Lords of the Fallen. Young Mike probably would've enjoyed it, but I don't have that kind of time anymore.

Players who thrive on climbing that particular mountain Dark Souls has a thriving community that stands as a testament to that idea. I'm quite sure that there are players out there who love that challenge. Right from the beginning, the game throws difficult situations your way and laughs at your many deaths. Dark Souls is not a game that suffers the weak. In the future, I may return to the title and it give another chance more likely, I'll play its sequel.